Massey University Class Representative System

Class Representatives give feedback about issues affecting students as they arise within their classes, courses and colleges.

Class Representatives are students who volunteer to act as a class contact between students, teaching staff and Te Tira Ahu Pae. 

You may be more familiar with the term Class Advocate. 

Working together this means that any course delivery issues can be resolved as quickly as possible.

What are Class Representatives?

  • It is an easy way to meet new people – great for first year students who want to make some new friends

  • Increased involvement in the course means a higher chance of succeeding

  • Develop leadership and employment skills 

  • Gain experience that can be bragged about on your CV when you graduate! Plenty of certificates to be earned!

  • Contribute to high quality courses and teaching

  • End of year recognition event

  • Participating in the Class Representative program, gives you the opportunity to be considered for our Class Representative of the Year Award. 

Why be a Class Representative?

Do you have a problem you want to report to your class advocate? 

Note, to use this function, you will need to create a profile or login in to your profile on this site.

Find a Class Representative

Please let us know how your classes are going. 

Feed back via our logbook is categorised as either Postive, General or an Issue and is broken up into fortnightly periods throughout the semester. If there's a problem, we can help get it sorted or if you have postive feeback we can pass it on.  

You need to sign in to your account to update your logbook.

Class Rep Logbook

Evidence shows that having a class representative improves student engagement in your class. Find out more and access resources via the link below.

Information for Lecturers